【開懷大笑】簡易笑口棗 Sesame Balls
製作時間: 1小時內
份量人數: 5-6人
低筋麵粉 Cake flour 250克/g
未炒白芝麻 White sesame 80克/g
雞蛋 Egg 1隻/pc
砂糖 Sugar 90克/g
泡打粉 Baking powder ½茶匙/tsp
食用梳打粉 Baking soda ¼ 茶匙/tsp
生油 Oil 2茶匙/tsp
水 Water 2湯匙/tbsp
1 :
低筋麵粉、泡打粉及食用梳打粉拌勻備用 Mix well cake flour, baking powder and baking soda.
2 :
白芝麻後用清水浸泡15分鐘,瀝水備用 Soka white sesame in water for 15 minute then drain dry.
3 :
砂糖、油及雞蛋拂勻 Whisk well sugar, oil and egg,
4 :
篩入麵粉及拌勻 Strain in flour mixture and mix well.
5 :
酌量加入水份,用手將材料搓成團即可 Add some water until you can knead the mixture into a dough.
6 :
用保鮮紙包好粉糰,靜止15分鐘 Wrap and let the dough rest for 15 minutes.
7 :
將粉糰分成數份,再搓成條狀,再切粒 Divide the dough into serval parts. Roll into rolls and then dice.
8 :
每粒小粉團約6-8克重,搓圓後沾上芝麻 Each dice should weigh 6-8g. Roll into balls then dip into sesame.
9 :
將笑口棗放入低溫油內慢炸,炸至浮起後以快筷子攪拌,互相碰撞會使之爆口 Deep fry the sesame balls in low heat. When they float, stir them with a pair of chopsticks, which can make slits on the balls.
10 :
再慢火炸5分鐘至熟透,轉中火炸至金黃色後盛起瀝油即成 Keep deep fry in low heat for 5 more minutes. Turn to medium heat until the sesame balls turn to golden brown. Done
- 食譜來源 : https://cook1cook.com/recipe/53685
- 發掘更多美食 : https://cook1cook.com