陸發現史上最完整6600萬年前恐龍胚胎 揭「偷蛋龍」如鳥類孵化

This undated photo courtesy of Lida Xing and the University of Birmingham shows the oviraptorosaur embryo ‘Baby Yingliang’ found in the Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province, southern China.

 Scientists on December 21, 2021, announced the discovery of an exquisitely preserved dinosaur embryo from at least 66 million years ago that was preparing to hatch from its egg just like a chicken. The fossil belonged to a toothless theropod dinosaur, or oviraptorosaur, which the researchers dubbed

跨國科學團隊21日宣布在中國大陸江西贛州發現白堊紀晚期、距今至少6600萬年前,保存相當完整的恐龍胚胎,是有史以來發現保存的最完整的恐龍胚胎之一,屬於一隻未破殼而出的偷蛋龍。胚胎被暱稱為「英良貝貝」(Baby Yingliang),恐龍寶寶長約27公分,蜷曲在17公分的蛋裡,研究發現頭部位於身體下方,腳在兩側、背部沿著蛋殼縮著,如同鳥類一樣,而在先前的恐龍胚胎中從未發現過。

This undated illustration courtesy of Lida Xing and University of Birmingham shows a redition of a close-to-hatching oviraptorosaur dinosaur embryo, which is based on the new specimen ‘Baby Yingliang’ found in the Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province, southern China.

 Scientists on December 21, 2021, announced the discovery of an exquisitely preserved dinosaur embryo from at least 66 million years ago that was preparing to hatch from its egg just like a chicken. The fossil belonged to a toothless theropod dinosaur, or oviraptorosaur, which the researchers dubbed

在鳥類中,此種行為由中樞神經系統控制,稱為「蜷縮」(tucking),如準備孵化的小雞用喙敲碎蛋殼時,會將頭塞在翅膀下以固定。研究發表在期刊《iScience》,第一作者、英國伯明翰大學古生物學家馬偉勝(Fion Waisum Ma,音譯)表示,這代表了現代鳥類此種行為源於其恐龍祖先,蜷曲的另一種選擇類似鱷魚,採取坐姿,頭在胸部前直到孵化。


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