養陰潤肺|沙參海玉竹煲豬展 Coastal glehnia root, polygonatum ro
初秋時節容易因秋困易倦,飲食習慣亦要慢慢改變,由解暑去濕變為滋陰潤燥。此湯的主要材料為北沙參和海玉竹,兩者皆有養陰潤肺的功效,十分適合這個時節飲用。海玉竹的價錢雖然較玉竹稍貴,但其性平味甘,同時有養陰生津、補氣健脾的功效,適合全家飲用,故建議選用海玉竹煲湯。 北沙參:清熱解毒,滋陰補陽,化痰止咳、益胃生津, 海玉竹:滋陰潤燥,可用如口乾舌燥、皮膚乾燥,亦能清熱解毒 南北杏:有潤肺、止咳的作用,可用於治療乾咳、咳嗽痰少等症狀 杞子:養肝明目,可用於改善視力、提升肝功能,亦能補腎壯陽
製作時間: 1小時以上
份量人數: 5-6人
北沙參 Coastal glehnia root 20克/g
海玉竹 Polygonatum root 30克/g
南北杏 Sweet and bitter apricot kernel 10克/g
杞子 Gogi berry 10克/g
蜜棗 Candied date 3粒/pcs
豬展 Pork shank 1-2個/pcs
水 Water 3公升/Liter
鹽 Salt適量/Som
1 :
北沙參、海玉竹、南北杏、蜜棗洗淨浸水10分鐘 Rinse coastal glehnia root, polygonatum root, sweet and bitter apricot kernels, and candied dates then soak them in water for 10 minutes.
2 :
杞子洗淨浸水5分鐘備用 Rinse the goji berries and soak them in water for 5 minutes. Set aside.
3 :
豬展汆水後洗淨 Blanch the pork shank and rinse clean.
4 :
將北沙參、海玉竹、南北杏、密棗及豬展放人入煲內,加水煲滾 Place the coastal glehnia root, polygonatum root, sweet and bitter apricot kernels,, candied dates and pork shanks into a pot. Add water and bring to a boil.
5 :
轉中火煲1.5小時 Reduce the heat to medium and simmer for 1.5 hours.
6 :
加入杞子再煲10分鐘 Add the goji berries and simmer for an additional 10 minutes.
7 :
酌量加鹽調味即成 Season with salt according to taste.
- 食譜來源 : https://cook1cook.com/recipe/54555
- 發掘更多美食 : https://cook1cook.com