餐桌上部落旅行國際遊客進部落 體驗美食文化 “2023 Taste of Native Cuisines: The Tourney to Tribal Villages” Inviting International Travelers to Explore Authentic Tribal Culinary Culture

【記者 朱達志/台東 報導】交通部觀光署花東縱谷國家風景區管理處「縱谷原遊會—餐桌上的部落旅行」活動至今已辦理第6年,今年的活動以「神話與傳說」為主題,從各部落口耳相傳的神話傳說中,並從中提取核心精神元素來規劃呈現,在縱管處輔導下,今年特別開放「永康部落」及「支亞干部落」共4個場次來接待國際遊客,提供英語語音導覽及英語菜單服務,讓來自不同國家的朋友,也能毫無距離感受部落文化與熱情。



為國際遊客規劃報名的4個場次,分別為 10月21日、22日的「永康部落」,以及11月4日、5日的「支亞干部落」,歡迎喜愛臺灣部落文化的國際遊客報名!詳細活動內容請至「縱谷原遊會」官網或官方粉絲專頁上查看。



活動粉專: https://reurl.cc/pyxjzQ

The East Longitudinal Valley National Scenic Area Headquarters, Tourism Administration, MOTC, has been organizing the “East Rift Valley Festival – Taste of Native Cuisines: The Tourney to Tribal Villages” event for the past 6 years. This year’s event is themed “Myths and Legends,” drawing inspiration from the myths and legends passed down through the generations of various tribes and extracting their core spiritual elements for planning and presentation.

This year’s event includes 5 tribes and 9 sessions. Visitors can not only learn about the myths and legends of these 5 tribes from ancient times but also experience the captivating presentations of different tribes in terms of banquets, cultural sharing, and experiential activities. Among them, the “Uninang Tribe” and the “Alang Ciyakang Tribe,” with the guidance of the Scenic Area Administration, are open to hosting international tourists this year. They offer English audio-guided tours and English menu services, allowing tourists from different countries to intimately experience tribal culture and hospitality.

The “Hunter’s Wild Feast” in the Uninang Tribe draws inspiration from the ancient flood myth of the sacred bird “Black Bulbul,” which guided the way with a burning branch, embodying the spirit of “never giving up.” This dedication mirrors that of the “Uninang Rezio Shop,” a family committed to preserving and passing down tribal culture. International travelers who join the tour will embark on a journey from the forest hunting trail to the mountaintop hunting lodge. Along the way, they will immerse themselves in tribal stories and acquire traditional forest skills used by hunters. Finally, at the breathtaking mountaintop hunting lodge, they will savor delicious grilled cuisine and experience the culinary culture and warm hospitality of the Bunun tribe.

The “Alang Ciyakang Tribe,” primarily composed of the Taroko tribespeople, presents the “Rangah Qhuni Table under the Moonlight,” inspired by the traditional “Sun Shooting” legend, offering guests the opportunity to experience the necessary “courage” to overcome challenges. This year, the Alang Ciyakang Tribe will guide international travelers to venture into new experiences they’ve never encountered before, such as archery, local gathering activities, and tasting the tribal “courage platter” of wild game, immersing themselves in the traditional daily life of the Taroko tribespeople.

This year, there are 4 available sessions for international travelers to register. “Uninang Tribe” will be October 21 and October 22, “Alang Ciyakang Tribe” will be on November 4 and November 5. We welcome international travelers who have an interest in Taiwanese tribal culture to sign up! For detailed information about the activities, please visit the event website or Facebook fan page of the “East Rift Valley Festival.”

Uninang Tribe website: https://reurl.cc/QZb02p
Alang Ciyakang Tribe website: https://reurl.cc/2EmXlE
Facebook fan page: https://reurl.cc/pyxjzQ

(照片交通部觀光署花東縱谷國家風景區管理處提供,Photo by Ministry of Transport Tourism Administration East Rift Valley National Scenic Area Management Office)