香酥土匪雞肉餅 Crispy Bandit Chicken Cracker


製作時間: 30分鐘內
份量人數: 1-2人

雞扒 Chicken steak 1塊 1pc
洋葱 Onion ½個 ½pc
鮮冬菇 Dried mushroom 4-5隻 4-5g
急凍手抓餅 Frozen flaky scallion pancakes 4塊 4pcs
孜然粉 Cumin powder 2湯匙 2tbsp
紹興酒 Shaoxing wine 2湯匙 2tbsp
生抽 Soy sauce 2湯匙 2tbsp
糖 Sugar 2茶匙 2tsp
老抽 Dark Soy Sauce 1茶匙 1tsp
生粉 Corn Starch 2茶匙 2tsp

1 :

雞扒洗淨切丁 Wash the chicken steak and then dice it.
2 :

加醃料醃15分鐘 Marinate the chicken steak for 15 minutes.
3 :

冬菇切丁 Dice the dried mushroom.
4 :

洋葱切丁 Dice the onion.
5 :

中火爆香洋葱,下雞丁及冬菇炒熟 Saute the onion in medium fire, then fry the diced chicken and dried mushroom.
6 :

用手抓餅包好雞肉餡料 Use the flaky scallion pancake to crisp the chicken stuffing.
7 :

中細火煎至手抓餅金黃酥香即成 Pan-fry the flaky scallion pancake until golden brown.

- 食譜來源 : https://cook1cook.com/recipe/53144
- 發掘更多美食 : https://cook1cook.com