驚見鴨子逛超商 老外一看告示牌:這好台灣

<p>Photo courtesy of @nalalandoz/Twitter</p>

Photo courtesy of @nalalandoz/Twitter


Taiwan is known among foreigners for its hospitality and willingness to help those in need; however, an expat in Taiwan recently discovered that this local hospitality extends to animals as well.

Josh Ellis是名在台灣工作的攝影師,近日在推特上分享了一則推文,並稱「這好台灣。」文內可見兩隻神態自若的鴨子站在便利商店內的冰櫃前,而另一張照片則是店內的告示牌,上面寫著「那是鴨,不是我們養的,牠們來這裡吹冷氣。」

Josh Ellis, a Taiwan-based photographer, reposted a tweet featuring two ducks standing in front of the refrigerator at a local convenience store, claiming it “Peak Taiwan”.

The odd scene was explained in a second photo, which featured a sign saying: “These are ducks. They’re not OUR ducks, they’re just here for the A/C.”


The photos were met with great enthusiasm from other foreigners, with one commenting: “OMW [On my way] to Taiwan to meet some ducks in a convenience store. This is as life should be.


Another Twitter user explained beneath the original post that the ducks supposedly belonged to a stall owner next to the convenience store, and would go back when they were “cool” enough.


The original post has since received 9.2k likes with most expressing regret that the adorable ducks weren’t for sale.

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