驚!安室奈美惠宣布引退 日期竟是⋯

記者/簡立言 報導



而今天(20日)也是安室奈美惠的40歲生日,怎樣都沒想到在這個出道25年、40歲生日的時刻,就這樣丟下一顆震撼彈,有歌迷難過,但也有人覺得這對安室來說或許是個完美的句點。據ORICON NEWS報導指出,安室奈美惠除了將推出全時期精選輯,引退演唱會也有可能到亞洲。


Dear all fans:

Thank you very much for your continuous support.

September 16 marked the 25th year since my debut.
I could not have gone 25 years without your support, for which I am
eternally grateful.

Thank you!

Today, I would like to write about something that I have carried on my
mind and have decided on the 25th anniversary of my debut.

I, Namie Amuro, would like to take this opportunity to inform all of my
fans of my decision to retire as of September 16, 2018.

I plan to make the last year of my music career meaningful by focusing
my full attention on creating a final album and performing at concerts.

Then, I will welcome the date of September 16, 2018 in the best way I can.

I hope this year will be filled with wonderful memories for me and the
fans together.

Together, let’s make this coming year the best one possible!

Namie Amuro


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