


The researchers worked with F-22 maintainers at Joint Base Langley-Eustis' 1FW to test the cooling suits under the often extreme weather conditions in Virginia.

The new suits, which have been patented, consist of a custom-designed and unique set of sub-components including compressors, condenser, evaporator and water pump in one small package; the backpack-like package connects to a vest that ‘acts like a car's radiator.’

‘Our airmen are excited about wearing them in harsh conditions while wearing Tyvek coveralls,’ said 1st Lt. William Gibbs, F-22 fighter training unit assistant officer in charge. ‘It's not a glamorous job, so we're excited about something that makes it a little bit easier.’ He pointed out that the Tyvek coveralls do not breathe in the hot and humid Virginia summer.







1st Fighter Wing.


The 1st Fighter Wing is responsible for one third of the USAF's combat F-22 Raptors.
