
1. 第5屆馬來西亞國際青少年創新發明展,臺灣選手大放光彩,在20個國家、398件作品中,最後得到7金4銀5銅以及5個特別獎,是主辦國之外的最大贏家。高雄市福山國小學生吳德宸,年僅10歲,以「巧手畫世界-多功能收納寫生板」,獲得金牌,成為這次年紀最小的金牌得主。

 Taiwanese players shined in the 5th Malaysia International Youth Innovation Exhibition taking 7 gold medals, 4 silver medals, 5 bronze medals and five special awards among 398 works in 20 countries, the biggest winner outside of the host country. Wu De Chen, only 10 years old and studying in Fu Shan elementary school in Kaohsiung City took the gold medal with his "skilled painting in the world - multifunctional storage sketch board," becoming the youngest gold medalist.

2. 由文化部推動的藝術銀行總部,昨天(13)正式開幕,在臺中市自由路上,利用閒置的公有房舍,打造成融合展示藝廊、典藏房庫、洽談諮詢的藝術櫥窗;文化部長龍應台表示,最近社會上有太多的負面能量,藝術銀行的開幕是正面能量的展現,希望正能量就從臺中開始。

The Ministry of Culture (MOC) inaugurated the headquarters of an "art bank" project that is located in Ziyou Rd, Taichung City. Promoted by MOE, the art bank was transformed from vacant public buildings into galleries, collection of art works and art windows that provide counseling service. The minister of MOC, Long Yin Tai said that there have been a lot of negative energies in our society; therefore, the opening of art bank is a presentation of a positive one and she hoped that the positive energy started from Taichung.

 3. 一年一度的新北市潑水節,昨天(13)在中和舉行,民眾拿水桶和水槍享受潑水祝福,相互為對方帶來新年好運,誰被水潑得最濕,好運也愈多。市長朱立倫為民眾灑淨祈福,並主持「幸福潑水婚禮」,為穿上傳統禮服的佳偶,戴上「百年好合」的幸福花環,一起走過幸福水門,象徵愛情長長久久.

The annual Songkran festival was held in Zhung Ho, New Taipei City. Participants grabbed buckets and water guns to spray one another with water in the hope of bringing good luck for the new year. The wetter one gets, the more luck he will have. New Taipei City mayor Chu Li Luan prayed for the people by spraying water on them and presided over "Happy Splashing Wedding" to put “Love Forever” garlands on the newly-weds in traditional clothes. The newly-weds walked past the happy water gate, a symbol of love forever.


 A flash mob organized by members of the Puyuma tribe surprised travelers at Taipei Railway Station yesterday by performing two aboriginal songs and dances in traditional clothes and left immediately. Many spectators stopped and watched their performance. With assistance from Uni Air and Taitung County Tourism Bureau, these indigenous children took their first-ever flight to Taipei to show urban dwellers in Taipei the beauty of Taitung through their songs and dance.

5. 惠蓀林場隸屬於中興大學實驗林管理處,去年獲選為臺灣十大最佳賞螢火蟲地點之一,今天(14)起到5月11號推出「惠蓀賞螢趣」,賞螢地點在梨園山莊一帶,園區特別規劃以低亮度紅色LED燈引導賞螢路線,有鑑於假日人潮較多,可利用週一到週五前往賞螢,避開人潮。

 Huisun forest area is affiliated to Experimental Forest, National Chung Hsing University. It was elected as one of the ten best places in Taiwan last year to see the firefly. It launched a "Huisun Firefly Fun" activity from today to May 11th inviting the tourists to come and see the firefly in Li Yuan mountain resort. The resort specifically plans to use low-intensity red LED light to guide the tourists to watch the firefly. Given the large holiday crowds, tourists are advised to come and watch the firefly on Monday to Friday to avoid the crowds.


 The 47th Houston International Film Festival ceremony kicked off yesterday. Chi Po Lin’s documentary "Beyond Beauty" garnered documentary Jury Special Prize and a photography gold medal; Chang Tso Chi’s feature film "A time in Quchi " took the gold medal in family ethics category, and the director Liu Yue ming’s film "Jam" obtained short film special Jury Award.