
1. 103學年度四技二專技優甄審入學,今天(7)起受理報名資格審查。四技二專技優甄審,不採計統一入學測驗成績,報考資格除了「技藝技能競賽優勝及技術士職種」外,新增「全國高職學生103年度專題暨創意製作競賽」決賽佳作以上獲獎,都可以報考!今年全國有100所公、私立技專校院及大學,提供1萬0,218個招生名額,採個別報名。
The application for 2014 Special Achievement-based Admission for 4-year and 2-year Technological Program will start working from today. The examination for the application will not take the scores of the Joint Test for Technological and Vocational Education for the reference of the admission. In addition to technicians and the winners of technological competitions, the prizewinners of special subject and creative work competitions in 2014 are qualified to apply for the admission. 10,218 vacancies are offered by one hundred private and public technological and vocational colleges this year. People who are interested in the admission can apply for it through individual application.

2. 國、高中校園存在許多不合理的校規,教育部公布「高級中等學校訂定學生獎懲規定注意事項」,要求學校全面檢視,對於「鼓動學潮」、「禁止男女交往」等不合時宜的校規,必須在8月1號以前修正或刪除,希望修改後的校規,都合乎注意事項的規範。
There are many unreasonable school regulations in junior high schools and senior high schools. The Ministry of Education announced the points for attention for the regulations of rewards and punishments in senior high schools, which asked each school to fully check some out-of-date school regulations. The improper regulations such as encouragement of students’ demonstration and prohibition of date should be revised or canceled before August 1st. It hops that the revised school regulations can fit in the points for attention.

3. 高一歷史課本出現「台獨運動會讓台灣的社會陷入國家認同錯亂」等言論,引發爭議。負責教科書審定的國家教育研究院表示,當初曾經建議刪除,但出版社還是維持原內容,基於尊重一綱多本精神,最後同意審定通過,目前高中歷史通過審定的有8個版本,選用哪個版本將由學校決定。
Some sentences such as “Taiwan independence movements lead the social to a chaos of national identity” occur in the history textbook of senior high school. National Academy for Educational Research which takes charge of the examination of textbooks indicates that it had ever asked the publisher to delete the articles which will cause to misunderstanding while it still kept original contents. To respect the essence of "one outline, multiple textbook edition" policy, the academy approved the original contents. So far there are eight qualified editions of history textbooks for senior high schools. Schools can choose each one of the editions they want to use.

4. 臺北市一名8歲女童應入學而未入學,疑似遭餓死事件,引發教育界關注。新北市教育局統計,新北市有2名兒童,去年8月應該進入小學就讀,但沒有來上學,目前處於失聯狀態;新北市長朱立倫要求強迫入學委員會,確切追蹤孩子應入學而未入學的情況,全面檢討,每個個案都要追蹤到底。
The news that an 8-year-old girl was suspected to die from starvation caused to the attention of educational circle. According to the statistics of Education Bureau of New Taipei City Government, two missing children should attend to elementary schools for studying in August last year while they didn’t make it. Mayor 朱立倫 requested the Committee for Forced School Entrance to track the reason why they didn’t go to school and fully review each case.
5. 教育部舉辦「全國慈孝家庭楷模表揚活動」,共有58組家庭接受表揚,每位得獎學生可以獲得1萬元獎學金、獎狀及獎座。其中,新竹縣中興國小學生楊翔善,父母是聽障人士,他唸中學的哥哥,教他手語,方便和父母溝通;楊翔善感謝學校老師的推薦,更謝謝爸媽的照顧
Fifty-eight families are praised in national awarding ceremony for the Models of filial obedience held by the Ministry of Education. Each prizewinner can get ten thousand dollars of reward, certificate of award and cup. Among the prizewinners, a student of 中興 Elementary School of 新竹 County 楊翔善 was recommended by his teacher because his brother taught him sign language for communicating with his hearing-impaired parents. He not only appreciated his teacher’s recommendation, but also his parents’ attention.

6. 英國智庫「政策交流」發現,如果目前趨勢不變,2050年以前,英國將有近三分之一人口是少數族裔。根據研究,印度人、巴基斯坦人、孟加拉人、非洲黑人與加勒比海黑人等5大非裔與少數族裔族群,目前占英國總人口14%,相當於800萬人。這些族裔人口10年來成長1倍,但白人人口幾乎不變。
The English think tank Policy Exchange found that about one third of population in England belong to the minority nationality before 2015 if the current tendency keeps the same. According to the research, the population of Indonesia, Pakistan, Bengal, blacks from Africa and Caribbean Sea takes fourteen percent of the whole population in England, which equals to eight million people. The population of these races increases double in recent ten years while the population of white people almost stays the same.