11選區候選人Ambria Taylor 設中文網頁介紹
國際機械師協會和航空航天工人工會的 Local Lodge 2600 自豪地表示支持 Ambria Taylor 競選大芝加哥11區議員。該工會為倡導芝加哥機械師權益工會,他們為維護芝加哥的鐵路做出了貢獻。Ambria若當選區議員,將確保為工會爭取福利,在議會佔有一席之地。
距離提前投票開始還有 30多 天,Ambria需要十一區居加入他們選舉行列。目前,我們每週三下午 5:30、每週六上午 11 點和下午 2 點以及每週日上午 11 點和下午 2 點進行拉票活動。希望能在此其間召集大量拉票人向選民介紹Ambria政綱,Ambria才能獲勝。
芝加哥第11區後選人Ambria Taylor連月來都很積極在參與或舉辦許多外展活動,希望深入社區,更能瞭解社區狀況。最近Ambria Taylor助選團又將於12 月 18 日星期日在區內收集及派發嬰兒尿布作招徠。
Ambria很瞭解有新生嬰兒家庭最需要,對一個家庭來說,尿布是最大、最具挑戰性的開支之一。她希望可以幫助減輕新生嬰兒家庭的一點負擔。該活動將於在 12 月 18 日展開收集及派發嬰兒尿布給有需要家庭。
Ambria競選活動委員會呼籲義工,希望有志,有理想,願為社區工作的自願工作者,能夠参予Ambria競選活動,為大芝加哥11區獻出一分力量。大芝加哥11區選居民欲瞭解更多後選人Ambria Taylor政綱,及競選活動,請登臨
Local Lodge 2600 of The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers Union proudly endorses Ambria Taylor for Alderman. This union advocates for the rights of Chicago machinists who put in necessary work in maintaining our railroads.
As alderman, Ambria is going to make sure that our unions have a seat at the table, but we need your help to make sure she is elected.
We have 35 days until early voting begins and we need you to join us at the doors. We currently canvass every Wednesday at 5:30pm, every Saturday at 11am and 2pm, and every Sunday at 11am and 2pm. We can only win if we can muster a huge number of canvassers to introduce us to voters, but our canvass turnout has not been strong enough to reach our goals. We need your help to bring us to city hall.
Can we count on you for tomorrow’s canvass?
Diapers are one of the biggest and most challenging expenses for families with babies. That’s why we are doing a holiday diaper drive to help ease the burden a little this winter. We will be giving away diapers from the office on Sunday, December 18th and collecting them every day before then!
Follow our social media for more updates! We’re on Instagram @ambriaforalderman and Twitter @AmbriaTaylor or https://ambriaforalderman.com/latest/。
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