


The Navy said Monday that it will decommission a warship docked off San Diego after suspected arson caused extensive damage, making it too expensive to restore.

Fully repairing the USS Bonhomme Richard to warfighting capabilities would cost $2.5 billion to $3 billion and take five to seven years, said Rear Adm. Eric H. Ver Hage of the Navy Regional Maintenance Center.

The amphibious assault ship burned for more than four days in July and was the Navy's worst U.S. warship fire outside of combat in recent memory. The ship was left with extensive structural, electrical and mechanical damage.

Restoring it for another use, perhaps as a hospital, would take several years and cost $1 billion. The preferred option to decommission the ship will take nine months to a year and cost $30 million.








To take a ship out of operational service with the navy.


The US Navy has decided to de-commission and scrap the USS Bonhomme Richard after major fire.
