
螢幕快照 2019-11-11 下午4.13.33
螢幕快照 2019-11-11 下午4.13.33

【看英文中國郵報學英文】英國華威大學男生賽艇隊登上Worldwide Roar機構推出的2020猛男年曆。Worldwide Roar主要訴求性別平等和人權議題。

The buff boys from Warwick Rowers can be found in all their glory throughout this Worldwide Roar 2020 calendar, an English charity calling for gender equality and human rights.


The annual calendar features gorgeous images every month that promote a healthier form of masculinity and a new way of looking at men.

年曆百分之十的收入將捐給Sports Allies計畫,以推廣男人的多元面向並挑戰運動領域的恐同症。

The original calendar is also a way of donating to a great cause: 10 percent of the publisher’s sales are being donated to Sports Allies, a project to promote diversity and challenge homophobia in sports.

今年邁入第十年,2020月曆著重在運動家展現肌肉,提倡青年的心理健康並且關注異性戀霸權價值觀對於同性戀族群的影響。|To celebrate its tenth anniversary, Worldwide Roar launched its 2019 calendar featuring well-built naked men. (IG:worldwideroar)
今年邁入第十年,2020月曆著重在運動家展現肌肉,提倡青年的心理健康並且關注異性戀霸權價值觀對於同性戀族群的影響。|To celebrate its tenth anniversary, Worldwide Roar launched its 2019 calendar featuring well-built naked men. (IG:worldwideroar)

Worldwide Roar看到了運動在整體包容度扮演重要的角色,同時也是提倡多元化的重要方式。

The charity wants to see sport play a more prominent role in promoting inclusion generally. Its vision is a world where sport leads the way in promoting diversity.


The tenth worldwide roar calendar also centered on well-built sportsmen to promote better mental health in young men and address the impacts that heteronormative values have on the LGBT community.

今年邁入第十年,2020月曆著重在運動家展現肌肉。|The tenth worldwide roar calendar featuring well-built naked men centers on the sportsmen. (IG:worldwideroar)
今年邁入第十年,2020月曆著重在運動家展現肌肉。|The tenth worldwide roar calendar featuring well-built naked men centers on the sportsmen. (IG:worldwideroar)


According to a British survey, 70 percent of British gay males under the age of 22 who
play team sport is either completely or partially closeted from their teammates. Reasons for this included fear of bullying, a fear of being rejected by teammates and concern about discrimination from officials.


A calendar plus wallpaper is priced at £14.99 (NT$584).

年曆加上壁紙每個要價14.99英鎊(約台幣584元)。|A calendar plus wallpaper is priced at £14.99 (around $19.18). The profits of selling calendars will go directly to Sport Allies, a registered charity. (IG:worldwideroar)
年曆加上壁紙每個要價14.99英鎊(約台幣584元)。|A calendar plus wallpaper is priced at £14.99 (around $19.18). The profits of selling calendars will go directly to Sport Allies, a registered charity. (IG:worldwideroar)