【2023亞洲事實查核論壇:特邀講者】西班牙查核組織Maldita副總監 Carlos Hernández-Echevarría,

● Maldita.es

Maldita.es is a non profit organisation devoted to fighting against disinformation. Our mission is to help citizens make decisions with verified information in hand and to prevent them from “being fooled” by misinformation. It does so through fact-checking, production of explainers, data journalism, technology, education, and new narratives. Furthermore, we do Media Literacy, Academic Research, and Public Policy in order to build a society that everyday grows more capable to identify dis and misinformation before sharing it.

▌Carlos Hernández-Echevarría/Assisstant Director, Head of Public Policy

Carlos Hernández-Echevarría (Madrid, 1983) joined Maldita.es in 2020 to oversee its public policy and advocacy operation. He engages with public and private institutions interested in learning from our experience fighting disinformation and advancing more effective policy solutions to address the problem. Before joining Maldita.es, Carlos worked in TV news for 15 years as a reporter, correspondent and executive producer. He has a BA in Journalism (Universidad San Pablo CEU, Madrid, 2006) and a MA in Elections and Campaign Management as a Fulbright Scholar (Fordham University, New York, 2014). He is a regular contributor in several Spanish media and a lecturer at Universidad de Alcalá de Henares.