


By 2030, the Marine Corps will drop down to an end strength of 170,000 personnel. That's about 16,000 fewer leathernecks than it has today.

Cost savings associated with trimming the ranks will pay for a 300% increase in rocket artillery capabilities, anti-ship missiles, unmanned systems and other high-tech equipment that Marines will need to take on threats such as China or Russia.

The Marine Corps will also create three littoral regiments that are organized, trained and equipped to handle sea denial and control missions as a‘ Pacific posture’Marine expeditionary units, which deploy on Navy ships, will augment those new regiments.






※end strength:

The actual number of personnel on board at the end of a fiscal year.

※sea denial:

Military attempts to deny the enemy's ability to use the sea without necessarily attempting to control the sea for its own use.


Blockade operations are actually exercising a form of sea denial as a function of sea control.
