AKIRA整晚纏著林志玲 1對1「愛的教學」甜炸啦!


AKIRA, the husband of Taiwan’s top model Lin Chi-ling, recorded an exclusive video for the release of NOWnews’ new Website on May 5 in which he gave his blessings and greetings to readers.

For the occasion, he asked his wife for advice to say “hello” in Chinese accurately. The result was beyond expectations!

AKIRA得知《NOWnews今日新聞》將改版,二話不說一口答應拍攝影片問候廣大的粉絲們,他以標準中文表示:「大家好,我是放浪兄弟的AKIRA,NOWnews改版,全新體驗,讓你耳目一新,希望各地疫情早點控制,我能早點到台灣跟大家見面,BYE BYE。」

“Hello everyone, I am AKIRA, a member of the Exile. NOWnews website has been redesigned, delivering a new visual and audio experience to you. I hope the epidemic will soon be under control so I can come to Taiwan early to meet you, BYE BYE,” he said, leaving many viewers to wonder how he could improve his Chinese so fast.

AKIRA5月27日將和AKB48、韓團SJ始源、Apink鄭恩地、香港歌手莫文蔚、鄧紫棋、馬來西亞歌手黃明志等亞洲50組藝人,一同出席《One Love Asia》線上慈善演唱會,該演出的募款將捐給聯合國兒童基金會,AKIRA屆時的表現令人非常期待。

In related news, AKIRA will be joined by AKB48, a member of Super Junior Choi Siwon, Apink’s Jung Eun-ji, Hong Kong singer Karen Mok, G.E.M., Malaysian singer Namewee and other 50 Asian artists at the “One Love Asia” online charity concert on May 27, which will benefit the UNICEF, a United Nations agency responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental aid to children worldwide.

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