
Apple’s ‘Far Out’: What to expect from the annual iPhone event

Yahoo Finance's Dan Howley joins the Live show to discuss the expectations for Apple's upcoming annual iPhone event.


BRAD SMITH: You guys, shifting gears from cars to smartphones, as Apple will host its annual iPhone event next week. And for more on what to expect, let's bring in Yahoo Finance's Dan Howley, the tech DH himself. Dan, what are we expecting?

DAN HOWLEY: Yeah, so this is Apple's September event. So every year around this time, we get new iPhones, new Apple Watches. And that's what we're expecting here. What we're expecting in particular is the Apple Watch 14, the Apple Watch 14 Pro, the Apple Watch 14 Max, and Apple Watch 14 Pro Max. So what they're basically doing is they're eliminating the mini iPhone. So you're not going to get that 5.4-inch display anymore. Apple just wasn't doing anything really with it as far as sales go.

So now everything's going to be more uniform. They're going to have two 6-inch displays, 6.1-inch display, and two 6.7-inch displays. And they're designating the Pro as a higher level kind of device. So rather than a newer processor this year, the standard iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Max, those are going to get last year's processors. The Pro and Pro Max will get new processors. That doesn't really mean that the regular 14's are going to be slower. It just means that it's a better way for Apple to sell you on the Pro idea.

The Pro will also have new cameras, 48 megapixel camera. The regular 14 will get a 12 megapixel camera. And of course, the Pros will come with three cameras while the regular 14's will come with two. I think those are really the big differentiators here.

There's going to be some changes to the notch that people seem to have a conniption every time they talk about. Not exactly sure why. I don't care about the notch. It's just there because that's where the face ID camera is. But they're reworking it a little bit. And then the Apple Watches, we're expecting the Apple Watch Series 8. And the Apple Watch SE could get an update and then a ruggedized version of the Apple Watch as well.

BRIAN SOZZI: So no Apple car, no Apple car.


BRIAN SOZZI: OK, no Apple car.

DAN HOWLEY: No, I don't think Tim Cook is going to come drive it out on stage with it now.

BRAD SMITH: You know, while we have you as well, is this going to be the best camera on the market for the phone? Because that's the competition, right?


BRAD SMITH: Is all among Samsung, it's among Google and the Google Pixel line as well.

DAN HOWLEY: By the way, crushing it. Google crushing it with the cameras.

BRAD SMITH: Right, and so because they have become known as one of, or if not, the best camera on the market repeatedly, are these changes from Apple going to be enough to give them that top title?

DAN HOWLEY: I think when it comes to iPhone owners, it's very difficult for people to switch, right? I mean, there's the whole stigma with the blue and green text message--

BRAD SMITH: The green bubble, yeah. Texts are green.

DAN HOWLEY: It blows my mind that people are bothered by that. It's just I-- whatever, OK. But, you know, I do think that the camera on this is going to be stunning. They do a great job every year. They have the 3x optical zoom, which is huge, right? Like, not just for taking photos of faraway buildings or whatever, but even, like, up close photos are better when you use it like that. So I do think the camera on this is really going to be great.

I think the main thing to watch out for, for these phones in particular is the battery life. Obviously, that's something that is a big deal. And then what kind of displays. They're saying we're going to get always on displays on the Pro models. That means that you'll be able to have your phone when it's off like this, it'll stay black. You can touch it, and then it'll show some content notification, the time, something along those lines, and just white text. And so they can do that because of the OLED screen. We've seen it on Google phones, Samsung phones, so it could be on the next iPhone as well.

BRIAN SOZZI: Could indeed be. The only app I have on my phone anyway, Dan Howley, is the Yahoo Finance app. Dan Harley, have a great weekend. Coming up--