Asian Pop Up Cinema 龍虎武師 芝加哥即將公演

功夫特技演員:永不說不! 由武打功夫巨星洪金寶主演的龍虎武師 ( Never Say No 永不說不) 將由Asian Pop Up Cinema在第 15 季電影展前登上大銀幕。影片集結洪金寶、袁和平、程小東、元華、甄子丹、錢嘉樂等華語電影最強“武師陣容”,首次全方位揭秘香港龍虎武師長達六十餘年風雲變幻,展現中國功夫影人搏命人生路。


Asian Pop Up Cinema為拉開第 15 季亞洲快閃影院的序幕,對香港武術和特技行業的身臨其境的幕後花絮讓眾多動作演員成為焦點,他們幫助該行業在全球範圍內引起了關注和讚譽。亞洲快閃影院很榮幸地呈現功夫特技,洪金寶從身體給觀眾演譯 "永不說不"!也是同類電影第一次在影院上映。

獲電影龍虎武師( Never Say No 永不說不)更多詳情,請登 ,或購買門票,參加 8 月 27 日星期六下午 2:30 在 AMC River East 21(322 E. Illinois)的盛大演出。

KUNGFU STUNTMEN: NEVER SAY NO! Arrives to the Big Screen at APUC's Season 15 Pre-Festival Kick-Off

Kung Fu Stuntmen never say no. They arrive on set ready to pour blood, sweat, and tears into each and every scene. Although these highly trained and skilled professionals are the backbone of action films, the recognition they deserve is seldom received.

To kick off Season 15 of Asian Pop-Up Cinema, an immersive behind-the-scenes look into Hong Kong's martial arts and stunt industry puts the spotlight on many action actors who've helped bring the industry worldwide attention and acclaim. Asian Pop-Up Cinema is proud to present KUNGFU STUNTMEN: NEVER SAY NO! in theaters for the first time.

Watch the trailer below and purchase your tickets to join us for this special occasion on Saturday, August 27 at 2:30 PM at AMC River East 21 (322 E. Illinois).

雙腿沒併攏 坐沒坐相? 烏克蘭第一夫人坐姿掀論戰
染Omicron而不自知 美研究:逾半數確診者不知被感染
華裔研究員質疑實驗室數據 差點不獲聖地牙哥加大續聘