
Are the Dallas Cowboys the Maple Leafs of the NFL?

Following their playoff loss to the San Francisco 49ers, the Dallas Cowboys have now lost 11 straight postseason games, over a 26-year stretch since their last Super Bowl victory. This string of defeats has lead to comparisons with the Maple Leafs, who last playoff series win was in 2004, but is this a fair association given that heartbreak in Toronto really stretches all the way back to 1967?

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- I know this may be out of my field of expertise, but this is something I need to talk about. So the Dallas Cowboys, just recently they lost another playoff round. And I saw a lot of tweets of people comparing the Dallas Cowboys to the Leafs saying that the Dallas Cowboys are the Leafs of the NFL.

And I get it. They made the playoffs 11 times, and they can't win a playoff round, so I get it. However, let me just clear up the nuance a little bit. So here are the Dallas Cowboys winning their last championship back in 1996.

And here are the Leafs winning their last championship. Do you see the difference? One picture is in color, and the other creature isn't. So I get it. I get it. The sense that the Leafs can't win a round.

I get it. But you know what? We haven't won since the '60s. And it hurts I understand it. And hopefully, we get to a point where the Leafs stop adding all this pain. And any time something horrible happens in the sports world, that the first team we don't go to is the Leafs.

You know, just for me personally, maybe for all of you as well, can we finally get to a point where something bad happens in the sports world and the Leafs aren't the automatic thought. Please? Just do something this year. Just do anything, please.