《沙丘2》首波評價口碑封頂!壯觀媲美《魔戒2》《阿凡達2》 被狂讚:最傑出科幻電影之一!
【文/克里斯蒂】導演丹尼維勒納夫(Denis Villeneuve)的科幻史詩鉅作《沙丘》續集《沙丘:第二部》即將在全球上映,15日導演與一眾主演出席在英國倫敦舉辦的盛大全球首映會,電影首波評價正式出爐!承襲首部曲佳評如潮的氣勢,影評紛紛給予續集《沙丘:第二部》超高評價,無論是畫面壯闊的視覺效果、故事情節、主演表現等,皆獲得正面好評,不只讚其傑出視效媲美《魔戒二部曲:雙城奇謀》、《阿凡達:水之道》,更封其「最傑出的科幻電影之一」,有不少影評也稱《沙丘:第二部》好看程度更勝首集。
《Uproxx》編輯Mike Ryan
I was kind of mixed on the first Dune. DUNE: PART TWO is phenomenal. Up there with the greatest sci-fi movies I’ve ever seen. I want to ride a sandworm. #DunePartTwo
— Mike Ryan (@mikeryan) February 15, 2024
《Inverse》編輯Hoai-Tran Bui
DUNE: PART TWO is a triumph. Even more immense than the first, but much more intimate — Denis Villeneuve manages to streamline the more alienating second half of the book into a riveting, action-packed epic. TWO TOWERS-level mastery of battle sequences. Zendaya is the star. pic.twitter.com/gUYD6g3onN
— Hoai-Tran Bui (@htranbui) February 15, 2024
影評人Scott Mendelson
#DunePartTwo is an audio/visual triumph on par with (relatively speaking) 'John Wick 4' or 'Avatar 2'. Strong performances, some clever action beats but, like DUNE 1, it's a 2.5-hour film that mostly runs out of story at the 90-minute mark and jogs in place til the climax. pic.twitter.com/lNBjHDL0l1
— Scott Mendelson (@ScottMendelson) February 15, 2024
《綜藝報》編輯Jazz Tangcay
#DunePartTwo is a giant epic, a masterclass of crafts from Greig Fraser’s exceptional photography to Patrice Vermette’s magnificent world building. Denis Villeneuve has delivered his magnus opus directing one of the best sci-fi films for generations to come. pic.twitter.com/Vvfs8YeFIi
— Jazz Tangcay (@jazzt) February 15, 2024
《Collider》編輯Steven Weintraub
In a shock to no one, I absolutely loved #Dune2. Incredible filmmaking. Brilliant score. Entire cast was excellent. My only complaint was I wish it was longer. Not joking around. The movie is 2hr and 40 min(?) and I would have been happy to watch another hour. pic.twitter.com/6PZmfQTEAH
— Steven Weintraub (@colliderfrosty) February 15, 2024
《CinemaBlend》編輯Sean O’Connell
#DunePartTwo is MASTERFUL filmmaking on an epic scale. Denis Villeneuve marries gripping character development to vast, sweeping cinematic visuals. And the cast evolves in their roles. I slightly prefer the simpler DUNE to this complex chapter, but still, a towering achievement. pic.twitter.com/qIFaeshZyW
— Sean O'Connell (@Sean_OConnell) February 15, 2024
「《沙丘:第二部》令人驚艷,維勒納夫打造了一些具創新的夢幻時刻。奧斯汀巴特勒(Austin Butler)展現了改頭換面般的精彩演技(不只是化妝造型)。結局相當感人。片長有點長?是的。看完隔天會忘記?是的。儘管如此,這依然是一部壯觀鉅作。」
《The Playlist》編輯Gregory Ellwood
Dune: Part Two is damn impressive. Villeneuve crafts some truly VISIONARY moments. Austin Butler gives a truly transformative performance (and not talking makeup either). Very moving ending. A wee bit long? Yes. Did I forget I saw it the next day? Yes. Still, gonna be massive. pic.twitter.com/ARooLrTK8z
— Gregory Ellwood - The Playlist 🎬 (@TheGregoryE) February 15, 2024