
Elon Musk, Twitter set to face off in Delaware hearing

Yahoo Finance’s Alexis Keenan joins the Live show to discuss the expectations for Tuesday’s Elon Musk vs. Twitter hearing in Delaware.


JULIE HYMAN: And now we get back to a very different topic-- back to the Twitter and Elon Musk saga. There's a hearing scheduled for today at 1:30 PM as the legal battle over the flop buyout continues. Our Alexis Keenan has the details. So what's this hearing about?

ALEXIS KEENAN: OK. So this judge has her work cut out for her. This is in Delaware Chancery Court. And what she's going to consider are motions from both sides-- both from Elon Musk and from Twitter-- things that they want to happen in this case before it goes to trial. So first is Musk is asking for a delay of trial.

He wants it to happen in November, not October 17, when it's currently slated. Also wants to get some Slack messages from Twitter to get some of their internal communications at the company. Also, Musk is asking to add the whistleblower Peiter Zatko's claims to his counterclaims against Twitter.

Remember that he filed a countersuit against them. So both of those actions are at play. Also, Musk is asking for a rehearing, and he's going to get it. The judge is going to let his lawyers reargue a request that she's already denied to get more bot data from Twitter.

So trying to expand the scope of that information that Elon Musk wants to get his hands on to find out if those bot numbers are true, or false, or otherwise. Also, Twitter is going to have some of its motions heard. It wants, for one, emails from SpaceX-- so internal communications at that company-- for Twitter's side.

And also, Twitter is asking for some sanctions against Musk, alleging some misconduct had happened in the course of the discovery here. So a lot for this judge to do. 90 minutes for each side to present its arguments. That's not a lot of time for all of this. And this judge has been very quick in the past, so maybe we'll get a decision on these matters today.

JULIE HYMAN: Very interesting. We look forward to finding out the outcome of all of that. Thanks, Alexis.