國小女兒帶同學回家看「紅白機」收藏,孩子們興奮大叫 爸爸:第一次感到優越

不論是何種事或,只要自己受到其他人的認可或是欣賞,對誰來說都是相當高興的事情。而最近一名日本父親分享,自己收藏多年的任天堂經典紅白機(Famicom ComputerFC)終於受到別人欣賞而非常高興,對方居然是小學 6 年女兒的同班同學。

BANGKOK, THAILAND - 2018/05/15:  In this photo illustration, an old vintage Japanese market version of the Nintendo 'Family Computer' video game console knows also as 'Famicom' (L) released in 1983 in Japan next to the latest video game console the 'Nintendo Switch' (R) released in 2017. Both video game consoles have the particularity to lodged two separate controllers packed in one tiny device although the Nintendo Switch was released 34 years after the Famicom. Nintendo announced that they will re-start manufacturing the Nintendo Classic Mini 'Nintendo Entertainment System' (NES) video game console to be on sale in June 2018. The Kyoto based video game company Nintendo ended its comeback year with revenue worth $9 Billion after a glorious 2017 notably with the launch of the hybrid console the Nintendo Switch, mini retro vintage game consoles such as the Nintendo Entertainment System and Super Nintendo as well as its mobile phone video games. Also Nintendo will welcome its new president Shuntaro Furukawa in the month of June 2018. (Photo Illustration by Guillaume Payen/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)
如今對紅白機有興趣的小孩確實不多見。(圖源:Getty Images

X 上的一名日本網友 C_WERdNa,他表示自己是一名父親,日前他分享了自己就讀國小 6 年級的女兒,突然帶回了 3 個同班男同學回家,然而當這 3 名男孩看見他房間的紅白機時,興奮的大喊:「好厲害!是真的紅白機」「上面還插著遊戲耶!」

這 3 名男孩的反應,讓身為爸爸的原 PO 寫下:「38 年來我第一次因為家裡有紅白機而有優越感。但在那之後,又繼續拿起 Switch 來玩」

貼文一出,許多人都沒想到女兒的 3 個朋友居然這麼識貨,會認識這台 40 多年前的遊戲主機,也有人開玩笑:「等等,不是應該擔心一次邀 3 個男同學嗎」「這 3 人其中 1 人大概就是未來女婿了」「原本以為這 3 人是為了女兒來,沒想到是為了看紅白機」「現在的小學生太識貨了吧」「比起那些,為什麼手把要放反的?」
