
Family Finds Wriggling Worms in Costco Chicken

A family who bought some chicken in a Melbourne Costco on October 18 were horrified to find live worms crawling on a chicken they were eating just moments before.

In an interview with the Herald Sun, father Leon Mo and his pregnant wife Bei said they went to Costco in Docklands with their 5-year-old daughter Rebecca and bought a $6 Steggles chicken. After they dug into a drumstick, they were horrified to find live worms crawling on some of the chicken. Mo, who said he was a chef for 15 years, looked into the packaging and saw more worms inside.

He took the chicken to management at the store who gave him a refund, he told Storyful they filed a report and followed up on Tuesday but could not give him an update on their investigations.

This footage is the third video video of maggots or worms emerging from a cooked meal in three weeks. Nando’s apologised after video of maggots crawling inside one of their chickens in late September went viral. On October 2, a couple’s anniversary dinner was ruined after worms wriggled out of their steak. Credit: Facebook/Leon Mo via Storyful