Google 助理的自動修改密碼功能已向更多人開放

Google logo on a phone and a computer screen. Google closeup logo displayed on a phone screen, smartphone the logo or the search engine in various backgrounds like keyboard, dark illuminated texture or a computer screen,  as seen in this multiple exposure illustration, the company's symbol is globally recognized. Google, LLC is an American tech giant, a multinational technology company that specializes in Internet-related services and products, which include online advertising technologies, a search engine, cloud computing, software, and hardware. It is considered one of the Big Four - Big Tech technology companies in the U.S. and globally. Amsterdam, the Netherlands on January 10, 2022 (Photo by Nicolas Economou/NurPhoto)

在去年 I/O 大會上公佈後,僅向小部分用戶開放的 Google 助理自動修改密碼功能,現在終於擴大了使用範圍。據 Android Police 報導,近期能用到該功能的 Chrome 用戶明顯增加。在這項功能的加持下,系統一旦發現你在使用已外洩的密碼登入網站,除了顯示常規的「更改你的密碼」警告外,還會彈出讓 Google 助理自動幫你修改密碼的選項。

在執行過程中你隨時可以手動接管,當然囉,前提是網頁要支援 Duplex on the Web 才行。這項 AI 技術是實現自動改密碼的基礎,一般在修改過程中都需要手動完成的點擊、捲動、輸入等操作,這套方案通通都能為你代勞。對於那些常常為更新密碼苦惱的人來說,這應該是期待已久的福音了吧。