intruder 侵入者,不速之客 請收聽新聞美語即時通

今天我們要學的詞是 intruder. intruder is spelled intruder, intruder.

intruder 的意思是侵入者,不速之客。When drones buzzing over the runway forced London's busy Gatwick Airport to shut down, many travelers wondered why it is so hard for authorities to stop such intruders. 倫敦繁忙的蓋特威克機場跑道上空出現嗡嗡作響的無人機,導致機場關閉,許多乘客不明白為什麼當局很難阻止這些不速之客。

If a corporate data center is broken into, the intruder can attack any system on the network, often with disastrous results. 如果企業數據中心被攻破,入侵者可以攻擊其網絡上的任何系統,通常會帶來災難性的後果。

好的,我們今天學習的詞是 intruder, intruder, intruder …
