KAWS粉絲別錯過!結合AR實境 巨型公仔漂浮在中正紀念堂上空!

<p>今年與英國藝術工作室Acute Art合作,運用AR擴增實境,推出全新型態展覽「EXPANDED HOLIDAY」,在臺北國立中正紀念堂就看得到!|  If you live in Taipei, you can also see the enormous potential of AR at the National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall. (Courtesy of Acute Art)</p>

今年與英國藝術工作室Acute Art合作,運用AR擴增實境,推出全新型態展覽「EXPANDED HOLIDAY」,在臺北國立中正紀念堂就看得到!| If you live in Taipei, you can also see the enormous potential of AR at the National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall. (Courtesy of Acute Art)

【看英文中國郵報學英文】繼去年KAWS來台北、台中舉辦展覽,因應疫情,今年與英國藝術工作室Acute Art合作,運用AR擴增實境,推出全新型態展覽「EXPANDED HOLIDAY」,在臺北國立中正紀念堂就看得到!

Following exhibitions in Taipei and Taichung, KAWS, an American artist joined hands with Acute Art, an art studio from England, to launch a worldwide exhibition “EXPANDED HOLIDAY” featuring augmented reality (AR) experiences. If you live in Taipei, you can also see the enormous AR sculpture at the National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall.


Brian Donnelly, also known as KAWS, is known for his iconic XX signature in the characters’ eyes. Starting his career as a street artist, KAWS always tries to demonstrate his exhibitions in creative ways. This year, the global exhibition featuring 12 monumental AR sculptures took place in major cities and locations including Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Middle East, North and South America.

現在前往臺北國立中正紀念堂,下載Acute Art app 就能看到KAWS漂浮巨型公仔,展覽日期自3月12日至3月26日,為期2週。

After downloading the Acute Art App, you can have a glance at a huge KAWS sculpture floating in front of the memorial hall in Taipei. The two-week exhibition will last until March 26.

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