Madonna's Graphic New Video Has Sparked Backlash from a Pulse Nightclub Shooting Survivor

Madonna's Graphic New Video Has Sparked Backlash from a Pulse Nightclub Shooting Survivor

What do you hope can be accomplished? [BLANK_AUDIO] Do you think that can happen at the legislative level? We've seen it happen at the state level of places like Florida and here in New York. You know, I'm like everyone. I don't know. But this is what we can do. And so I'm here to do it. One of my best friends was killed in gun violence, right around here. So it is important to me.

Madonna is taking a stand on the topic of gun control in her latest song and music video, “God Control,” but not everyone approves of the method behind the message.

In the video’s nearly eight-and-a-half minute run, graphic images of a night club shooting fill the screen, shifting between shots of a dark-haired Madge typing the song’s lyrics on a typewriter, a blonde Madonna partying with her friends, and that same care-free Madonna falling victim to a gunman’s bullet.

In the closing credits, Madonna’s already abundantly clear message is made more explicit in white lettering across the screen: “Wake up.”

Fans praised the iconic performer on social media for her contribution to the cause:

Despite the video’s warning of “disturbing” and “graphic scenes of gun violence,” some were still offended and triggered by the content. Patience Carter, a survivor of the devastating Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando, thought the disclaimer should have been more explicit.

In a video obtained by TMZ, she explained, “I understood what she was trying to do with bringing awareness to the topic of gun control, but I definitely felt that wasn’t the right way to go about doing it. For someone like me who actually saw those images, who actually lived those images, to see them again dramatized for views, dramatized for YouTube, I feel like it was really insensitive.”

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She continued, “[The video’s depiction] was grossly accurate to what I actually witnessed that night, and if I wasn’t as strong as I was and if I didn’t have as much growth as I do right now, I wouldn’t have been able to make it through the rest of the day.”

Carter concluded by calling on Madonna to issue an apology to victims of gun violence.