微軟攜手人工智慧業者Inworld AI,讓Xbox遊戲內的NPC能與玩家自然對話
微軟宣布與位於加州的人工智慧業者Inworld AI合作,藉此讓Xbox旗下遊戲能創造如同真人互動般的NPC (非遊玩角色),讓玩家能有更貼近真實的互動感受。
Inworld AI先前已經與Unity合作,同時也與微軟旗下Mojang Studios合作,將自動生成式人工智慧導入《Minecraft》,藉此創造更具互動性的NPC,目前更獲得諸如Intel、迪士尼、微軟、三星、LG在內業者投資。
With more extraordinary tools comes more extraordinary games. We're excited to see what people build with new AI-enabled game dev tools as we embark upon a partnership with @inworld_ai to make it easier for devs to realize their creative vision https://t.co/13rIn0Hbxk pic.twitter.com/XhRltaDPtS
— Microsoft Game Dev (@MSFTGameDev) November 6, 2023
We're excited for how developers will use this breakthrough technology to create games, mechanics, and experiences that we have yet to imagine. pic.twitter.com/qfIx1VBAjP
— Inworld AI (@inworld_ai) November 6, 2023
在此之前,Ubisoft也在今年GDC 2023期間推出名為Ghostwriter的人工智慧工具,讓遊戲NPC自動產生不同自然對話,同時也能讓玩家與此類角色互動時的感受更加自然。
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