
今天我們要學的詞是mounting。Mounting is spelled m-o-u-n-t-i-n-g, mounting. Mounting動詞或形容詞,意思是逐漸增加或不斷增加的 。President Donald Trump is under mounting pressure from members of his own party not to end an Obama-era program that grants work permits to hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants who arrived in the country as children. 美國總統唐納德•川普正面臨來自他自己政黨成員的不斷增加的壓力,要他不要終止一項奧巴馬時代的項目,該項目為成千上萬名在孩童時代來到這個國家的無證移民提供工作許可。Questions about the ownership and corporate structure of the HNA Group, one of China’s biggest – and most acquisitive – companies, are mounting. 對海航集團所有權和公司結構的疑問正在逐步增加,該集團是在海外采購最積極的中國最大企業之一。好的,我們今天學習的詞是mounting, mounting, mounting…
