NSB chief warns of Chinese gray-zone tactics against Taiwan

NSB chief warns of Chinese gray-zone tactics against Taiwan (TVBS News)
NSB chief warns of Chinese gray-zone tactics against Taiwan (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — A top Taiwanese official warned on Wednesday (June 12) about the intrusion of Chinese drones and incidents involving unidentified vessels, suggesting they might be part of China's gray-zone tactics against Taiwan.

Thecomments from Tsai Ming-yen (蔡明彥), director-general of the National Security Bureau (NSB, 國家安全局), came during a session at the Legislative Yuan's Foreign Affairs and National Defense Committee, where he reported on the state's use of civilian communication facilities to gather national security intelligence.

He also addressed the recent incident of a Chinese national piloting a speedboat into the Tamsui River, raising questions about the individual's motives and potential backing by the Chinese Communist Party.

The NSB Director-General's briefing to the Legislative Yuan shed light on the challenges Taiwan faces from China. These incidents, along with the opening of the M503 flight route and activities around Taiwan's outlying islands, have been focal points for the NSB.

He emphasized the importance of clarifying numerous doubts surrounding the speedboat incident in the Tamsui River, including the motivations behind the intrusion and the involvement of the Chinese Communist Party.

In response to the evolving security landscape, Tsai also mentioned the significance of the perspective of the United States Indo-Pacific Command (美國印太司令部) and Taiwan's ongoing efforts to exchange intelligence with international allies.

This collaboration aims to monitor Chinese military activitiesclosely. Tsai's statements underscore Taiwan's commitment to safeguarding its national security amid increasing tensions with China.

As Taiwan continues to navigate the complexities of regional security, the National Security Bureau's focus on incidents involving Chinese drones and vessels signals a vigilant stance against potential threats.

The bureau's efforts to clarify the recent incidents and strengthen international partnerships reflect Taiwan's proactive approach to maintaining its sovereignty and security.

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