
Red howler monkeys re-inserted into Colombia's wild

SHOTLIST: ARMENIA, COLOMBIA, DECEMBER 16 & 17, 2013, SOURCE: AFP *Images shot in 720p* - VAR of volunteer taking care of a baby red howler monkey - CU of monkeys eating - MS of volunteer next to cage with monkeys - WS of a boat carrying monkeys for release - MS of volunteers downloading cage from a truck - CU of monkeys in cage - CU of monkeys inside cage - MS of volunteers releasing monkeys - VAR of monkeys on trees /// ------------------------------------------------------ Additional information - The Medellin zoo has a program in which experts teach domisticated monkeys to act again like wild animals in order to be reinserted into the wild. - These monkeys had been taken by smugglers and treated like pets, trained to dress themselves and to go to the bathroom - There are three steps in the program: 1) take care of their health problems when they arrive, 2) reinsert them in a group with other monkeys, 3) learn from other monkeys. - Not all monkeys succeed in getting rid of their human habits and as a result cannot be released into the wild.