School construction challenges summer childcare in Taipei

School construction challenges summer childcare in Taipei (Shutterstock)
School construction challenges summer childcare in Taipei (Shutterstock)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — Thirteen public kindergartens and fourteen elementary schools in Taipei have suspended their summer extended care services due to on-campus construction, disrupting parents' summer plans for their children.

The Taipei City Department of Education has responded by assisting in transferring students to nearby after-school care programs to ensure their care during the summer vacation.

Efforts to Mitigate Impact

The Department of Education has been actively working to address the inconvenience caused by the construction. According to department statistics, 182 children from nine kindergartens and 45 children from seven elementary schools need to be transferred. So far, arrangements for 161 kindergarten and 34 elementary school students have been completed, with efforts ongoing to accommodate the remaining 21 kindergarten and 11 elementary school students.

Calls for Comprehensive Planning

Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Taipei City Councilor Chen E-jun (陳怡君) has criticized the Department of Education for the lack of comprehensive planning to solve the issue. Chen pointed out that out of the 133 kindergartens and 178 elementary schools initially expected to offer after-school care services, 14 elementary schools and 13 kindergartens have had to suspend these services due to construction work.

The situation highlights the challenges of balancing infrastructure improvements with the need for continuous childcare services. As efforts to transfer affected students continue, the focus remains on minimizing family disruption and ensuring children's care rights are protected during school vacations.

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