
Shanghai Residents Line Up for COVID-19 Testing in Pudong District

Shanghai residents continued to line up for daily COVID-19 testing in their communities on Tuesday, April 12, as parts of the city remained on lockdown for nearly one month.

Food became scarce after a week in lockdown, according to Instagram user @hutch.d.wilco, who said they lived on “watery rice” for four days and only received a government food parcel after 11 days. “Friends of mine have really struggled, one went without eating for three days,” they said. "There’s been numerous protests and small riots, particularly in Baoshan and Beicai.

“The residents organize bulk-buy groups and contact food wholesalers and farmers directly,” they continued. “We all group chat, swapping food and essentials as needed. Basically many communities are operating like this because we can’t rely on the government to help.”

Footage filmed by @hutch.d.wilco, whose apartment complex in Pudong district has been on lockdown for 27 days, shows residents queueing for testing. “At least now, they’re testing buildings separately instead of just pulling everyone outside, especially in this 32 degree heat,” they wrote in a caption. “Still, the health app keeps crashing, and we’re sent away while they wait for it to work. Three attempts since early morning.”

Shanghai reported 914 newly confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 25,173 asymptomatic infections on Monday, according to China’s National Health Commission. Credit: @hutch.d.wilco via Storyful
