
Subway fan earns free subs for life after receiving a promotional tattoo

A fan of the sandwich chain will have free sub sandwiches from Subway for the rest of his life after getting a promotional tattoo on his back.


DAVE BRIGGS: Following up now on a story we love, the Subway Series tattoo. With nearly 25,000 US locations, Subway has no shortage of signage, but now they're finding a new way to advertise on one man's back. An artist named DJ Tambe tattooed a footlong Subway Series logo on volunteer James Kunz, who, in return, received $50,000 in Subway gift cards. That is what they say qualifies as Subway for life. Rachelle, is it possibly worth walking around with that tattoo on your body for life for some free food?

RACHELLE AKUFFO: I'm going to have to say no. I mean, you're asking-- to have something permanently on my body for some free sandwiches? That makes me question my life choices. Like, how did I get to this point where I'm willing to do this for some free sandwiches? But if he's willing to do it and he loves the sandwiches, more power to him. It's not me. But if it was like free [? pollo ?] [? a la ?] [? brasa ?] or something, hey, I might do that. That, I love. That, I might do. If I'm loyal to the food, I'd consider it.

SEANA SMITH: And as more power to him, the willingness for him to get Subway imprinted on his back, that massive, massive tattoo, 50,000, I think he should have maybe asked for 100,000 so he had a little bit extra to maybe give family and friends. But he has free Subway for life, so maybe he'll be the one having the last laugh. I don't know.

DAVE BRIGGS: So what food would you tattoo? Maybe Five Guys for me.

SEANA SMITH: Five Guys? OK, I was thinking--

DAVE BRIGGS: Not 12 by 12, but.

SEANA SMITH: I was going to say maybe Starbucks or something like that that I literally can't live without.


RACHELLE AKUFFO: Oh, that's a good one.

DAVE BRIGGS: I'm in with that.

SEANA SMITH: But it would have to be very, very small.

DAVE BRIGGS: We agree.

SEANA SMITH: And you wouldn't be able to see it for me to be on board.

RACHELLE AKUFFO: Maybe you could get, like, just, like, a Starbucks barcode so they can just sort of scan you when you go in.

SEANA SMITH: Now you're on to something.

RACHELLE AKUFFO: Be creative with it.

DAVE BRIGGS: That's coming to you soon.

RACHELLE AKUFFO: Well, that'll do it for us on this Thursday, July 28. But we'll all be back here same time tomorrow at 3:00 PM Eastern. Yahoo Finance will be live starting at 9:00 AM Eastern tomorrow. We'll see you then.