
Supply chain, shrinkflation among words added to Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Yahoo Finance Live explores the definitions of several new entrants to this year's volume of the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.


RACHELLE AKUFFO: All right, well, shifting gears here, Merriam-Webster announcing its list of new words for 2022. Now we don't have time to dig into all 370, but this is Yahoo Finance, and here are some of the business focused additions. Of course, we have shrinkflation, reducing a product's volume, while charging the same price.

You also have greenwashing, making a product appear more environmentally friendly than it actually is. And of course, supply chain, which we always talk about, the processes by which a commodity is produced and distributed. And of course, for a little fun, let's see if Seana and Dave can guess what some of the other words mean. So first up, hoglet. Seana and Dave, what do you think? No peeking.


DAVE BRIGGS: Well, I can only expect it's a little pig. I mean, that's--

SEANA SMITH: That's what I was going to say. Is a hog a little hog? Yeah, a pig-- a piglet that looks like a hog or a-- that looks like a piglet?

DAVE BRIGGS: I got nothing other than some sort of small pig, yeah.

RACHELLE AKUFFO: It's actually a baby hedgehog. I actually know that because my daughter is obsessed with hedgehogs. But that's a new one that's been added. OK, next up--

DAVE BRIGGS: It's an emotional support animal.

RACHELLE AKUFFO: --we have--

DAVE BRIGGS: All right, proceed.

RACHELLE AKUFFO: There you go. All right, so next, we have sessionable.

DAVE BRIGGS: Sessionable.

SEANA SMITH: Sessionable.

DAVE BRIGGS: I'm trying to figure out what the root of the word. We need like a buzzer. We need like some game show stylings.

RACHELLE AKUFFO: We've gone spelling bee. We've gone spelling bee mode. Go ahead, Dave.

SEANA SMITH: If you're in a session--

DAVE BRIGGS: Because if you're in a session--

SEANA SMITH: And you're currently doing something-- what was the word again? Sessionable?

DAVE BRIGGS: Sessionable means--


DAVE BRIGGS: --open to analysis.

SEANA SMITH: OK, OK, yeah. All right, I like that. Teamwork, something to do with a team?

RACHELLE AKUFFO: Not even close.

DAVE BRIGGS: OK. What is it?

RACHELLE AKUFFO: It's not even close. It's having a light body and lower than average percentage of alcohol. So this is beverage related.

DAVE BRIGGS: A light body. Oh, so it's for an alcohol. It's actually for like--

SEANA SMITH: An alcoholic drink, yeah.

DAVE BRIGGS: --a low alcohol, beer? Ah, OK, OK, very good. We're learning. You got any others?

RACHELLE AKUFFO: All right, and last, we have yeet.



DAVE BRIGGS: --man. That's got to be what Kanye eats.

SEANA SMITH: OK, like, I was going to say first thing is Yeti--


SEANA SMITH: --because it looks similar, but yeet, all right. OK, let's go.

DAVE BRIGGS: It's got to be Yeezy related, man.

SEANA SMITH: Yeezy or Yeti related.

RACHELLE AKUFFO: Not at all. It's actually a sound to express surprise, approval, or excited enthusiasm. You could also use it as a verb, meaning to throw, especially with force, and without regard for the thing being thrown. So basically just throwing things recklessly or just a very excited sound that [INAUDIBLE]--

SEANA SMITH: I can teach my three-year-old tonight.

RACHELLE AKUFFO: --and my nephews with that.

SEANA SMITH: He does a lot of that.

DAVE BRIGGS: Do a lot of yeeting.

SEANA SMITH: A lot of yeeting. I'm asking him if he knows what that means I'm sure when I get home today. All right, that was fun. We were, what, 0 for 3, 0 for 4? It could only go up from here.

RACHELLE AKUFFO: It's all right.