swath大片的 新聞美語即時通

今天我們要學的詞是 swath. swath is spelled s-w-a-t-h, swath.

swath 用作名詞的意思是大片的。Swaths of eastern China were choked by heavy smog on Tuesday, bringing travel chaos to the region's roads and airports. 中國東部大片地區週二被嚴重的霧霾籠罩,給這一地區的道路和機場交通帶來混亂。

For decades, Americans have migrated toward urban areas seeking opportunities, emptying out large swaths of countryside. 幾十年來,美國人遷往城市地區尋找機會,使得大片鄉村地區空下來。

好的,我們今天學習的詞是 swath,swath,swath ............以上新聞美語即時通由美國之音和中廣新聞網聯合製播,謝謝收聽。