Taiwan assures sufficient power for NVIDIA’s expansion

Taiwan assures sufficient power for NVIDIA’s expansion (TVBS News)
Taiwan assures sufficient power for NVIDIA’s expansion (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — In response to concerns about Taiwan's power supply amid NVIDIA's ambitious expansion plans, Minister of Economic Affairs J.W. Kuo (郭智輝) assured the public on Friday (June 7) that the island's electricity reserves are sufficient.

This statement comes after NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang (黃仁勳) announced at the Taipei COMPUTEX the company's intention to hire 1,000 engineers in Taiwan over the next five years and establish a large design center, highlighting the need for substantial energy resources for an AI supercomputer.

Energy Assurance Amid Expansion

Kuo's reassurance aims to quell fears about potential power shortages as NVIDIA searches for a location with adequate electricity supply for its new center. He emphasized that the decision to extend the life of nuclear power plants is unrelated to Taiwan Power Company's (台電) financial losses and that nuclear power is not currently considered a backup option. Kuo also mentioned that his visit to Kaohsiung the previous day was unrelated to NVIDIA's research and development center. He highlighted the government's welcome to all foreign investment.

Sustainable Energy and Pricing Policies

Furthermore, Kuo reiterated the government's commitment to a nuclear-free homeland policy, stating that Taiwan Power's deficits have no connection to this stance. He also highlighted the transparent and inclusive process for setting electricity prices, involving social, expert, and academic review, as well as cost calculations, with reviews conducted twice a year. This process ensures that decisions on electricity pricing are not made unilaterally by the Ministry of Economic Affairs but are the result of a comprehensive review.