Taiwan defense ministry demotes commander for misconduct

Taiwan defense ministry demotes commander for misconduct (TVBS News)
Taiwan defense ministry demotes commander for misconduct (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Ministry of National Defense (MND, 國防部) announced on Wednesday (June 19)disciplinary actions against a battalion commander following allegations of sexual harassment under the influence of alcohol.

The officer, stationed at the Matsu Defend Command's Nangan Defense Team (南竿守備大隊), received two major demerits and was reassigned. The ministry also plans to assemble an unsuitability review board.

The incident involved the commander making inappropriate contact with a female officer in his office after consuming alcohol at an external event.

The Matsu Defense Command (馬祖防衛指揮部) confirmed the allegations, emphasizing their commitment to addressing the situation with the utmost seriousness to safeguard the rights of all personnel involved.

In response, the command has provided the affected officer with counseling and legal consultation and pledged to bolster military discipline and gender sensitivity education.

The ministry said the incident will serve as a case study in future training to prevent similar misconduct.

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