Taiwan warns citizens of increased risks in Hong Kong travel

Taiwan warns citizens of increased risks in Hong Kong travel (TVBS News)
Taiwan warns citizens of increased risks in Hong Kong travel (TVBS News)

TAIPEI (TVBS News) — The Mainland Affairs Council (陸委會, MAC) issued a warning on Tuesday (June 11) about the increased risks for Taiwanese citizens traveling to Hong Kong due to the implementation of the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance and the Hong Kong national security law.

This alert comes in the wake of several incidents where Taiwanese people were stopped, asked for identification, and had their belongings searched by the Hong Kong Police on the streets and in the subway.

The MAC, in a press release issued late Tuesday, highlighted that local laws in Hong Kong and Macau allow police officers to stop individuals exhibiting suspicious behavior, request identification, and conduct searches if there is reasonable suspicion of criminal activity.

The council stressed the importance for Taiwanese travelers to always carry their passports and Hong Kong visas and to avoid violating local regulations.

To enhance the safety of its citizens, the MAC has set up a "Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macao Emergency Service Information" on its official website.

This section provides important information and legal regulations for those traveling to or transiting through Hong Kong and Macau.

The council also reminded travelers about the specific regulations regarding items that can be brought into and out of these regions, advising against carrying prohibited items such as gas sprays, stun guns, and telescopic batons.

Furthermore, the MAC urged the public to register their personal information and contact details in the system before their trip to facilitate government assistance if necessary.