TikTok瘋傳「蠟燭學習法」 專家憂「無腦跟風恐適得其反」


影音社群軟體TikTok內容五花八門、無奇不有,不少青少年甚至認為TikTok所帶給他們的知識,比學校來得更為豐富、多元。近期該平台出現了新的拍片挑戰:「蠟燭學習法」(Candle Study),挑戰者必須待在桌前持續苦讀,直到蠟燭熄滅才可休息,這看似成了學生自主學習的動力,卻有專家指出要是過於追求完成挑戰,可能會造成反效果。


青少年願意自主投入課業,對於家長來說可是再好不過了,然而卻有專家點出其中隱藏問題。「雖然學生們可能想一連學習好幾個鐘頭,但是這將令他們感到筋疲力盡、失去讀書的樂趣,還會引發注意力不集中、認知功能下降的風險。」網路教學平台教師馬斯特森(Anna Masterson)提醒道。



@xmelfinx Studying until the candle dies🫡 Failed version because like - … i mean 12 hours a day is too much for me and my back. Also, whenever the clip is changed to a different position, that is when I took breaks as I realised i was exhausted and needed a break! But i blew out the candle when i did take breaks! So if you are doing this trend, please recognise when you are tired and need a break! Breaks are essential for your mind and body! I am aslo so tempted to see how long the candle lasts for - so i might continue with the timer and candle to find out - so if i am not active please understand why ahaha - im in a war with the candle 😂😂😂 #studytok #studywithme #studymotivation #studygram #fypstudents #foryou #candle #candlestudy #studywithme👨‍🎓 #motivation ♬ origineel geluid - SPEDCVSMICS

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