
Watch: Alabama inmate escapes jail in police vehicle

Video released by the Lauderdale County Sheriff’s Office in Alabama appears to show the moment murder suspect Casey White escaped custody, allegedly with the aid of now-missing corrections officer Vicky White. The CCTV footage recorded on April 29 shows the pair leaving Lauderdale County Jail and entering a police vehicle before driving away. According to a statement by Lauderdale County Sheriff Rick Singleton, authorities have not confirmed a sexual relationship between the escaped suspect and the officer but have verified that the pair had contact years prior to the escape.


RICK SINGLETON: We are still following the lead. We still have not identified a geographic location where they might be. We do have some leads that may give us that information that we're following up on, hopefully they will pan out. And other than that, we're just continuing to do what we've been doing, trying to get all the information we can as to where they might be, and where we can find them.

We have no evidence there was physical or sexual relationship. The inmates that reported to us Saturday that they were in a relationship, their complaints were that he was getting special treatment. He'd get more food on his plate, and he'd get all these little things that are insignificant on the outside, but are big deals to inmates.

But we also have confirmed he was in our facility in 2020 for an arraignment. He returned to Department of Corrections, and he did not return to our facility until February 25 of this year. During the time that he was in the Department of Corrections, there was contact between the two, including visits to the prison.