
White Helmets save child trapped in Aleppo well

Dramatic video of a young girl being saved from inside a well in the Syrian city of Aleppo was released by the White Helmets search and rescue organization on Friday (February 12).

The rescue came earlier this week when five-year old Sumaiah fell into it while playing near her home.

Video said to be in the Al Bab City area shows Assaf al Assaf, a member of the White Helmets in Aleppo being lowered inside the well and footage from his onboard camera showing the dramatic rescue in action.

Clearly in distress, Sumaiah cries out for her mother, as al Assaf tries to calm her and asks to see she’s hurt.

The pair are then brought up to safety, as the little girl is heard asking for her doll during the rescue.

The incident is said to have taken around an hour to complete, according to the White Helmets -- which is formally known as the Syrian Civil Defence group.

Shortly after they confirmed Sumaiah is now fine and was not suffering from any injuries.