
Here’s why edible oil markets are simmering

STORY: Palm oil is by far the most produced and traded globally

So an Indonesian ban on exports is sparking alarm

Palm oil goes into products from cookies to detergents

Around 77 million tonnes were expected this year

60% from Indonesia, and 25% from Malaysia

Soybean oil is number two with around 59 million tonnes this year

Prices soared to a record high following Indonesia's ban

China, the U.S., Brazil and Argentina are the largest producers

The U.S. has long-term plans to up production for biofuel

Rapeseed oil production is expected to top 29 million tonnes in 2022

Europe, Canada and China feed a big demand from places like the U.S.

Drought and crop damage slashed 2021 harvests, also reducing supply

Sunflower seed oil supplies have been hit by the Russia-Ukraine conflict

They account for 55% of global output and 76% of world exports

China, India and Europe are scrambling to find alternatives