
Why manure has become a hot commodity

STORY: Demand for manure is surging as the global fertilizer shortage, made worse by the crisis in Ukraine, hits farmers and producers

Source: Allen Kampschnieder, Nutrient Advisors

"Manure is absolutely a hot commodity... we've got waiting lists"

He says prices in Nebraska reached as much as $14 per ton, up from a typical $5 per ton starting price.

Source: CRU Group

Commercial fertilizer prices are at record highs, with phosphate and potash jumping threefold and nitrogen fertilizer up fourfold since 2020

Spiralling prices for the gas and coal needed for production, extreme weather, COVID-19 and shipping snags all hit global supply

Then sanctions choked Belarus and Russia's 40% share of global potash exports

Manure is no panacea for growers who face rising prices, limited supply, high transport costs and environmental concerns

But it’s boom time for livestock and dairy farmers, including some who previously paid to have their animal waste removed

It’s also benefitting suppliers of manure-drying systems, spreading equipment and tanks known as ‘honeywagons’