
工商時報【Emilia Wu】 當努力和聰明才智沒有和職場表現成正比時,什麼關鍵因素可以推你一把?一起讀富比士雜誌(Forbes)近期的報導,佐以科學研究數據,帶讀者以英文觀點來認識情緒商數(EQ),並學習相關英文用語。 Here's an interesting finding: people with the average IQ outperform those with the highest IQ 70% of the time. So what does it take to achieve professional success in addition to the inevitable efforts? 一項有趣的研究發現:百分之七十的時候,智商中等的人反而表現的比高智商的人來得好。所以,除了一定要有的努力之外,到底是什麼帶出職場的成功? EQ (or Emotional Intelligence) is the critical factor, and it is the essential part of the whole person along with IQ. 情緒商數就是那關鍵的因素,在一個人的智商之外,扮演了很重要的一環。到底EQ在職場上扮演了什麼關鍵角色?和一個人的智商又有什麼不同?看看以下這段英文: About 34% of executives and managers said they are placing greater emphasis on one’s EQ when hiring and promoting employees. There’s even a saying that goes like this, “IQ might get you hired, but EQ get you promoted!” And the good news is that, you can increase your EQ by developing yourself-confidence and positive attitudes while IQ is the same at age 15 as it is at age 50. 約百分之三十四的主管表示,在徵才與升遷員工時,他們越來越著眼於一個人的EQ。甚至有句話這樣說:「智商使人得以錄用,而情緒商數使人得以晉升!」好消息是,藉由培養自信和樂觀的態度,EQ是可以被提升的。智商就不一樣了,在一個人15歲到50歲時都是一樣。 Studies have shown that people with high EQ have greater mental health, better job performance and more potent leadership skills. 研究指出,高情商的人會有較健康的心理狀態、較好的工作表現、更有力的領導能力。 焦點英文: Outperform 表現 In addition to 除了..以外 EQ (Emotional Intelligence Quotient): 情緒商數,又稱情緒智商(情商) Critical 關鍵 Place emphasis on 著重 世界公民Weekly 由世界公民文化中心提供