
1. 才剛放暑假,就傳出宜蘭有國中生溺水意外,教育部呼籲學生留意水域活動安全,也提醒各縣市教育局規劃新學年游泳課,一學期只上兩次課的確不夠,應該規劃六次游泳課;另外,各縣市政府規劃游泳課時,要先教導學生避免危險,一旦發生意外要如何在最短的時間內自救。

Regarding to the drowning accident found in 宜蘭 area, the Ministry of Education called upon students to pay attention to their safety when join activities nearby waters. It also reminded each education bureau of increasing more swimming lessons from twice to six times in one semester. Furthermore, the instructors of the swimming lessons should teach students how to keep danger away and how to save themselves in the shortest time.

2. 特殊教育新課綱將擴大試辦,多個特教家長會昨天(8)聯合召開記者會,要求教育部暫緩實施特教高職新課綱,家長質疑,新課綱要求認知障礙特教生,比照普通生上理化、微積分,卻減少生活教育、實習等實用課程,根本不符合特教生需求。教育部表示,新課綱絕對比過去更重視實務,教育部會加強和家長溝通。

The new outline for special education will be put into practice in trial. Many parents’ associations for special education joined a news conference to ask MOE to suspend the outline. They think the outline doesn’t fit in the students’ demands because it is short of life education and some practical courses but covers physics and chemistry course and calculus instead. The Ministry of Education indicated that the new outline must put more emphasis on practical courses than ever, and it will strengthen the communication with the parents.

3. 教育部與僑務委員會共同辦理「海外華裔青年英語服務營」展開,今年招募350位優秀的華裔大學生下鄉,這群英語志工將前往18個縣市、50所偏鄉國中小帶領英語營隊,預估有2400多名偏鄉學生受惠。這群華裔志工即日起到各偏鄉國中小學,展開為期兩週的英語營隊服務。

The Overseas Youth English Teaching Volunteer Service Program in Taiwan held by the Ministry of Education and Overseas Community Affairs Council will start recruiting three hundred fifty excellent college students for going to eighteen counties and cities and fifty elementary schools and junior high schools in remote districts to lead English-learning camps. Two thousand four hundred students are estimated to be benefited. The volunteers will start to visit each school from now on to offer the English services for two weeks.

4. 國家運動選手訓練中心新建工程昨天(8)上梁,教育部長蔣偉寧表示,國家運動選手訓練中心是選手重要的養成和培訓據點,因為設施老舊,所以透過新建提供國手更好的培訓環境,他允諾每年會在人員和經費上增加10%,也希望場館明年能如期完工。

The new construction for National Training Center for Sports Athletics held its open ceremony yesterday. Minister of MOE 蔣偉寧 said that the center is an important training base for national athletics. The equipments in the original one are too old for training so that it hopes to provide them a better environment through the new construction. He promised that the number of staff and the amount of budget will be 10% increased every year. And he hoped the construction will be completed as schedule in next year.

5. 畢業季也是求職季,新北市勞工局為了協助社會新鮮人找到合適工作,將於明天(10)上午10點到下午3點,在板橋崑崙公園活動中心,舉辦新北市中型徵才活動,邀請友達光電等18家廠商,提供電子技術員等,900多個工作職缺,歡迎社會新鮮人以及有求職需求的民眾把握機會。

Graduation season is also a season of looking for jobs. To help the graduates with looking for proper jobs, Labor Affairs Bureau, New Taipei City will hold a middle-scale job opening activity in the activity center of 崑崙 Park of 板橋 County from 10am to 3pm tomorrow. Including AU Optronics Corporation, eighteen companies will offer about nine hundred of jobs to the participants. People who are interested in it are welcome to join it.

6. 法國教育部在六月底的「特定措施」討論會議中,宣布將發給全國33萬名國小教師400歐元的年度獎金。獎金將分兩次發放,今(2013)年底先發放200歐元,明年六月再發放剩餘的200歐元。這次獎金發放對象包含國小校長,也將課堂教學以外的其他工作納入考量,像是學生的個別追蹤與評量、教學小組的工作、與家長的溝通…等。

The Ministry of Education in French announced that it will gift the 330,000 elementary schools teachers with four hundred Euro in the conference held in the end of June. The reward will be issued half-half separately. Two hundred Euro will be issued first in the end of this year. The rest part of reward will be issued in June next year. The principals working for elementary schools are also included in the targets of the reward receivers. The extracurricular jobs are included in the evaluation of reward such as students’ personal tracking and accreditation, the work of teaching team, communication with parents and so on.