
1. 根據兒童福利聯盟文教基金會調查,校園霸凌中,將近9成5是難以察覺的關係霸凌,大多因身材或長相被排擠,甚至有2成1的關係霸凌受害者,曾有輕生念頭。兒福聯盟設計「反歧視、要尊重」的教案,可透過網路下載,並發起徵文比賽,募集100個解決關係霸凌的妙招,希望孩子保護自己也保護別人。

According to the survey of Child Welfare League Foundation (CWLF), most of the children bullied are because of their build or appearance. 95 percent of the relationship bullying is imperceptible and 21 percent of those who are bullied have had ideas of committing suicide. CWLF drafted a teaching plan based on the theme, “Anti-discrimination and Respect for Others.”, which can be downloaded from the website and it also sponsored a composition contest so as to collect 100 techniques to solve relationship bullying in the hope that children learn how to protect themselves and others.

2. 去年開始招生的銘傳大學金門分部,昨天(17)舉行校慶,縣長李沃士表示,縣府積極規劃周邊為大學城,以帶動金門的學習文風,也帶起金沙鎮的經濟。他也指示教育處,研議華僑子弟返回金門就讀大學的適當獎勵措施,以回饋華僑捐款協助金門大學。

Ming Chuan University Kinmen branch held its anniversary yesterday. Kinmen Magistrate, Lee Wo-Shi, said that the county government is planning on building a college town around the university in an effort to promote the learning trend and the economy of Jinsha township. He also instructed the education bureau to come up with a proposal of incentive measures to attract overseas Taiwanese students to come back to study in Kinmen in appreciation of the donation to the universities of overseas Taiwanese.

3. 臺北國道馬拉松昨天(17)開跑,來自臺灣體大的選手汪聖亞跑到第4名,結果竟然是幫學長蔡凱程「代跑」,路跑協會裁判得知後,立即判定汪聖亞失格,獎金和獎牌全部取消,而且兩人都被禁賽1年。汪聖亞表示,沒想到他第一次跑馬拉松可以跑出那麼好的成績,對於代跑後果,他後悔不已。

Taipei Expressway Marathon kicked off yesterday. Wang Shang Ya, a contestant from National Taiwan Sport University finished fourth in the race, but it turned out that he was a substitute acting for his school mate Tsai Kai Cheng. The referees of Chinese Taipei Road Running Association (CTRRA) disqualified and canceled the prize money and the medal of Wang Shang Ya after finding out the truth. Now they are both banned from entering the marathon for a year. Wang said that he never thought that he could have achieved such a good performance since this was the first time he entered the race and he was sorry about running for his school mate.

4. 世界棒球經典賽帶動國內棒球熱,中華職棒大聯盟昨天(17)在桃園的購物中心外廣場,舉行球迷大會,現場湧進近千人,並舉行公益拍賣會,其中王建民的球鞋以最高價賣出,這雙球鞋是王建民在經典賽預賽出戰澳洲時所穿,鞋底還沾有棒球場的紅土,一位球迷以7萬元得標。

The World Baseball Classic (WBC) reignited everyone’s passion for baseball; therefore, Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) held a baseball fan gathering in the plaza outside of a shopping mall in Taoyuan. There were nearly 1,000 fans crowding into the plaza. CPBL also sponsored a charity auction among which Wang Chien Ming’s sneakers were sold with the highest price. The sneakers were worn by Wang Chien Ming during the game with Australia in WBC. The sole of his sneakers was stained with red dirt in the baseball field. A baseball fan won the bid with NT$70,000 dollars.

5. 高雄市橋頭區(Ciaotou)、阿蓮區(Alian)各有1棵染褐根病瀕臨死亡的百年老樹,高雄市農業局委託樹醫和居民合力搶救,民眾集氣守護,老樹已見新芽。農業局頻頻檢視老樹的復原情形,還錄影記錄樹醫搶救的過程,結合居民集氣祈福,凝聚了公民的生態意識。

A hundred-year-old tree in Ciaotou and another one in Alian district are on the verge of dying because of tree brown root rot disease. Agriculture Bureau of Kaohsiung City Government consulted the tree doctor and the local residents to help save the trees. The local residents cheered and prayed for the trees in the hope of protecting them from dying and it worked because the old trees are budding. The Agriculture Bureau checked on the recovery of the old trees constantly and recorded the process of the tree doctor saving the trees. With the cheering and praying of the local residents, an eco-awareness has been formed.

6. 臺大實驗林管理處表示,牡丹素有「花王」之稱,即日起到31號舉辦牡丹花展,展出海黃、玉兔、花競等品種,共140多株牡丹花,歡迎民眾前往欣賞。

NTU Experimental Forest indicated that Chinese tree peony has been dubbed as the king of flowers; therefore, a Chinese tree peony exhibition will be held from today to 31st showcasing a variety of strains such as Hai Huang, YuTu, Hua Jing with a total of over 140 plants of Chinese tree peony.