屏東神山部落小旅行 體驗部落廚房的飲食魅力

<p>神山部落宛如霧台的廚房,有許多餐廳提供各式風味餐,選擇相當多元。| Restaurants in the Shenshen tribe offers various options to taste the tribal cuisines.(Courtesy of Chang,Li-yu)</p>

神山部落宛如霧台的廚房,有許多餐廳提供各式風味餐,選擇相當多元。| Restaurants in the Shenshen tribe offers various options to taste the tribal cuisines.(Courtesy of Chang,Li-yu)


The Shenshan tribe, a traditional Rukai tribe, is located in Wutai Township, Pingtung County, next to the Shenshan waterfall. In recent years, tribal cuisine culture has been actively promoted so that visitors and tourists could obtain the full experience by participating in the making of the food. Moreover, visitors can also enjoy arts and craft with the tribe or visit the Shenshan tribes with a tour guide.

東側觀景台大型百合花的裝置藝術,吸引不少人前來打卡。| The Lily flower-shaped decoration at the east observatory.(Courtesy of Chang,Li-yu)
東側觀景台大型百合花的裝置藝術,吸引不少人前來打卡。| The Lily flower-shaped decoration at the east observatory.(Courtesy of Chang,Li-yu)


Prior to arriving at the home of the tribe, visitors would pass by the Tanikawa Bridge, the only bridge outside the Wutai Township. There are two observatories that allows visitors to enjoy the beauty of the surrounding from different angles.

西側觀景台設有「八八風災英雄紀念碑」,視野較為開闊。| At the west observatory, there is a memorial in remembrance of those rescuers’ heroic mission when Typhoon Morakot struck Taiwan in 2008 (Courtesy of Chang,Li-yu)
西側觀景台設有「八八風災英雄紀念碑」,視野較為開闊。| At the west observatory, there is a memorial in remembrance of those rescuers’ heroic mission when Typhoon Morakot struck Taiwan in 2008 (Courtesy of Chang,Li-yu)


Once a forbidden place, the Shenshan Waterfall is a place all visitors must visit. In 2019, after the reopening of the trail, this has become a mysterious mountain-forest many tourists hear about. The Shenshan Waterfall is divided into three or four floors with respect to the terrain. When visitors approach the area, one can feel the sprinkles of water and sound effects of nature.

神山瀑布是來到神山部落必訪的秘境。| The Shenshan Waterfall is a place all visitors must visit. (Courtesy of Chang,Li-yu)
神山瀑布是來到神山部落必訪的秘境。| The Shenshan Waterfall is a place all visitors must visit. (Courtesy of Chang,Li-yu)


In addition to natural beauty, the Shenshan tribe established the first “tribal cooking school” in Taiwan, which aims to combine the experience of both collecting and cooking the ingredients. Under the guidance of the tribe’s “mother”, visitors can enter the field to harvest to further learn about different ingredients, as well as learning how to cook the unique and original dishes.

循著新開放的步道前往神山瀑布,沿途還有跨越峽谷的吊橋增添樂趣。| There is a suspension bridge on the way to the waterfall.(Courtesy of Chang,Li-yu)
循著新開放的步道前往神山瀑布,沿途還有跨越峽谷的吊橋增添樂趣。| There is a suspension bridge on the way to the waterfall.(Courtesy of Chang,Li-yu)


Furthermore, the Shenshan tribe has also established an experience of “DIY coffee.” This was first introduced when the Japanese colonized the Wutai area, however, was gradually abandoned due to the departure of the Japanese. Recently, the local residents have begun replanting coffee and promoting the experience of frying coffee, which has become one of the experiences visitors can enjoy.

在部落青年的講解下,親自在山芋頭田挖出一顆顆小巧的山芋頭。| Under the guidance of tribal youth, visitors dig out the taro roots from the field.(Courtesy of Chang,Li-yu)
在部落青年的講解下,親自在山芋頭田挖出一顆顆小巧的山芋頭。| Under the guidance of tribal youth, visitors dig out the taro roots from the field.(Courtesy of Chang,Li-yu)
整顆紅透的咖啡果實才可採摘,另外也要觀察蒂頭的顏色變化。| Only the whole red coffee fruit can be picked, and the color change of the coffee stocks is also the indication of the ripe coffee fruits.(Courtesy of Chang,Li-yu)
整顆紅透的咖啡果實才可採摘,另外也要觀察蒂頭的顏色變化。| Only the whole red coffee fruit can be picked, and the color change of the coffee stocks is also the indication of the ripe coffee fruits.(Courtesy of Chang,Li-yu)
炒好的咖啡豆,現場就可磨粉享用。| Roasted coffee beans are ready to be grounded (Courtesy of Chang,Li-yu)
炒好的咖啡豆,現場就可磨粉享用。| Roasted coffee beans are ready to be grounded (Courtesy of Chang,Li-yu)


When visitors visit the Shenshan tribe, one can also participate in the DIY experience of glass beaded bracelets and charms. Under the guidance of the Shenshan tribe princess, Zhao Yanfen, she highlights the meanings behind pearls: the warrior’s pearl, the pearl of love and the pearl of honor, each represented on the glass beads respectively. Finally, the actual participation in the making of the beads begins and this remains to be one of the most precious souvenirs to take away.

魯凱族的琉璃珠,不同圖騰各自有不同含意喔。|The glass beads of the Rukai people have different meanings for different totems. (Courtesy of Chang,Li-yu)
魯凱族的琉璃珠,不同圖騰各自有不同含意喔。|The glass beads of the Rukai people have different meanings for different totems. (Courtesy of Chang,Li-yu)
神山部落社區發展協會積極推動部落廚藝學校、手作串珠、手採咖啡等遊程體驗。| The Shenshan Tribe Community Development Association promotes various tours including tribal cooking school, hand-made beading, and DIY coffee.(Courtesy of Chang,Li-yu)
神山部落社區發展協會積極推動部落廚藝學校、手作串珠、手採咖啡等遊程體驗。| The Shenshan Tribe Community Development Association promotes various tours including tribal cooking school, hand-made beading, and DIY coffee.(Courtesy of Chang,Li-yu)


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