
<p>▲抗疫歌惹議,蔡依林有感而發。|Tsai Wednesday wrote on Instagram in response to the backlash over coronavirus tribute video(圖/翻攝蔡依林IG|Courtesy of Instagram / Jolin Tsai)</p>

▲抗疫歌惹議,蔡依林有感而發。|Tsai Wednesday wrote on Instagram in response to the backlash over coronavirus tribute video(圖/翻攝蔡依林IG|Courtesy of Instagram / Jolin Tsai)

【看英文中國郵報學英文】2019新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)疫情延燒,許多公眾人物發揮影響力表達關切、貢獻心力替醫護人員集氣,歌手蔡依林和陳奕迅先前以全英文合唱公益歌曲《Fight as One》,為全世界的醫護人員打氣,未料卻意外掀起論戰,有網友發現MV裡出現小朋友畫大陸「五星旗」的畫面,曝光後引發許多人不滿,對此,蔡依林6日曾在臉書吐露心聲,事隔8天後再度有感而發。

Taiwanese singer Jolin Tsai and Hong Kong Canto-pop star Eason Chan Yick-shun new music video aimed at paying tribute to medical staff fighting against COVID-19 sparked a huge backlash over its political context.

Yet, the video has been accused of being “Chinese propaganda” when the viewers found the children in the video holding up drawings of the flag of China. This video has received backlash since its released date on April 3.

The tribute song, titled “Fight as One,” was presented by Yunnan Media Group and performed in English.

▲蔡依林演唱公益歌曲《Fight as One》。| Taiwanese singer Jolin Tsai launched a music video, “Fight as One”(圖/翻攝universalmusichk Youtube)
▲蔡依林演唱公益歌曲《Fight as One》。| Taiwanese singer Jolin Tsai launched a music video, “Fight as One”(圖/翻攝universalmusichk Youtube)

蔡依林昨(14)日在IG上PO出一系列的雜誌照,看起來頗具自信,不過她內文卻寫下:「I will be back soon ^^…吧… 」似乎正在激勵自己,粉絲們看到後相當心疼,紛紛留言關心偶像:「姐還好嗎?我們還是都在妳背後繼續支持的,不用擔心。」、「看到妳的更新就像呼吸到新鮮空氣一樣,謝謝妳, 照顧好自己!」、「姐,永遠都可以等。」

After a first post to Facebook last week, Tsai Wednesday wrote on Instagram, “I will be back soon ^^…吧…’ with a series of magazine images of herself.

Many commented that “Are you okay? We will always stand by you, no worries.” Another said, “Take care of yourself” “I’ll wait for you forever.”


On April 6, another cryptic post raised concerns about the popular star: Jolin said that “I feel like I’m insignificant. Maybe some moments, suddenly you don’t need me and forget me for good. I believe that’s the gift of life I must receive.”

Still, she expressed appreciation for fans’ support and accompany in her post.

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