獨/楊紀華曝驚人人事費用 「這點」讓鼎泰豐不一樣

【看CP學英文】想到好吃的小籠包,「鼎泰豐」絕對榜上有名。The China Post特別專訪鼎泰豐董事長楊紀華先生,透露成功背後的秘訣,以及鼎泰豐如何在競爭激烈的餐飲業中脫穎而出,塑造出獨樹一格的品牌形象。

When it comes to “xiao long baos” (小籠包), Din Tai Fung (鼎泰豐) is second to none. In an exclusive interview with The China Post, Din Tai Fung owner Warren Yang (楊紀華) revealed the secret behind its success and what the brand means to people from Taiwan and around the world.


To Yang, the quality of both the food versus the dining environment is first and foremost, the thing to uphold.


In ensuring that the quality remains the same across restaurants, in Taiwan and overseas, Yang said that cooks usually travel to Taiwan to learn of the techniques beforehand, while other personnel will head to new branches to train staff.


Din Tai Fung places extreme emphasis on making customers feel at home. To this extent, Yang added that 56 percent of their expenses are spent on staff.


In addition, the long training period, ranging from 1 to two years, makes Din Tai Fung stand out from other restaurants, for the art of making xiao long baos years-long time to perfect.


With 167 branches worldwide, Yang stressed that making Din Tai Fung an international restaurant is of great importance. He added that he always looks for new ingredients and innovative techniques to incorporate into his dishes with the goal of preserving the original cuisines while adding more flavors into new dishes.

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